Gazing at the lighthouse - reflections on the loving life
Michael Murphy schrijft hierover: "From the sunroom where I wrote this book, a lighthouse on the west end of Bere Island in southwest Ireland is but a mile and a gaze away. The solid
predictability of the lighthouse is so comforting, and it winks at me through the darkness. The darkness of the night is often the time when my Mortal mind is still, and ideas bubble forth from
the warmth of my Soul and from my eager Spirit that seem like the stuff of dreams. Words from this font of inspiration-my daemon-form most of these short pieces. I remember a man in a workshop I
facilitated who was a very practical engineer, and during the first day he asked several questions because, as he said, he didn't understand what was happening. His quest for understanding was a
reminder to me that our inner world that opens up in workshops and during the night is far beyond understanding by the Mortal mind. When I am gazing at the lighthouse, or I am gazing at my mortal
fears and worries with two others in a workshop as part of a trio of explorers, I am "in" love. My three natures-my questioning Mortal who is fearful of living and fearful of dying, my witnessing
and wise Soul, and my vibrant and imaginative Spirit-weave in and out together making love, and in those moments beyond understanding I know for sure that love is the only meaning in my life. I
hope that these reflections inspired by the lighthouse will ignite more love within you, and be an aid to navigation through the fears of living and the fears of dying!"
(Bron: amazon.de)
Te bestellen via amazon.de (Duitsland):
• Gazing at the lighthouse - reflections on the loving life
- ISBN-10: 0984596623
- ISBN-13: 978-0984596621
Prijs: ca. € 12,50 (exclusief verzendkosten, bij bestellingen vanaf € 20 wordt gratis bezorgd) (prijsindicatie oktober 2014)